K2 v2.10.2现在可以下载,Joomla 1.5到3. x都可以使用它。这个版本解决很多前期存在的问题,并从UI交互性能到,bug修复和安全进行了提升。
如果你的网站基于K2创建,欢迎尽快下载安装它。下载地址: https://getk2.org/downloads

更新K2的过程相当简单。如果你在Joomla 1.5,抓住上面的zip文件链接,将它安装在你的现有K2的版本。如果你在Joomla 2.5或3.倍,去Joomla更新管理器,清除更新缓存,重新审视,你会发现新版本可以立即更新。如果你仍然在Joomla 1.6或1.7,可以发送邮件给我们,或帮自己一个忙,升级到Joomla 2.5然后Joomla 3. x。
下面列出的K2 v2.7.1的改变或更新。后台管理
- 添加类别的批处理操作(v2.7.0作为项目介绍)
- 固定端语言过滤器类
- 在PHP7环境下上传图片问题
- 固定批量语言切换到“所有”从一个单一的语言项目
- 当创建一个新项目时修复丢失的额外字段(#306)
- 固定新创建的附件不存储值在正确的HTML元素(2.7.0之后)
- 更新NicEdit
- K2现在将用下划线在图像文件名上传的图像画廊代替白色空间,防止后端图像预览的问题
- 固定模态“浏览服务器”按钮不工作的类别编辑表单
- 固定v2.7.0隐藏的媒体预览
- 不同的用户界面(UI)的修正和改进(在所有视口)
- Sub- and Child-Category ordering issue (#278) related to a bug in backend UI ordering controls
- Social media buttons will now adapt to the language of your site (if it's supported from Facebook, Twitter or Google+)
- Added option in the K2 Tools module's "Search Box" options for setting a menu item id (comes handy when you want to enforce a redirect page after using the K2 search box, so you cab style the results better)
- Added option (in the component settings) to control the display of K2 User Profiles for users with no items. This setting will prevent spammers from abusing their auto-generated K2 User Profile page (after a simple signup) in order to post spam links.
- Fixed redirection issue in the user registration form when reCAPTCHA v2 is enabled
- Fixed "related items by tag" image display alternate text missing
- Updated the attachments download function to prevent PHP memory limit related errors when trying to download large files - download initiation is also faster now
- Fixed login/logout redirection issue in mod_k2_user
- Fixed duplicate item pulling when retrieving content from multiple tags in the K2 Content module
- Fixed timestamp missing from OpenGraph image meta tags, when the timestamp option (in K2 settings) is on for K2 item images
- Category ID hiding in the URL (when using K2's Advanced SEF options) has been restored
- Fixed: Low priority XSS vulnerability in the K2 backend - relates to inadequate filtering of the search option in backend listings. Upgrade to version 2.7.1 to resolve.
- Improved compatibility with PHP 7.x
- Latest Joomla 3.6.x compatible
- Still 100% compatible with Joomla 1.5 and 2.5
- Removed PHP Pear's Services_JSON class and replaced with native PHP functions
- Many, many other bug fixes and improvements under the hood
If you use v2.7.0 already, then it is (as always) safe to upgrade to K2 v2.7.1. If you use a version before 2.7.0, refer to the2.7.0upgrade notes. In v2.7.1 there is a minor HTML output change in the frontend (in the item.php override) with the addition of a language tag in social media buttons.If you already have your own K2 CSS and/or HTML template overrides then there's nothing to worry about. If you use "stock" K2 CSS and HTML template overrides, just browse your site after the upgrade to make sure nothing's misalligned. In any case, exceptions may occur but they are usually easy to resolve. If you need any help, just post about your issue in the K2 Community Forum.
Since the release of K2 v2.7.0 we have added an update notification for new releases of K2 within the K2 backend (viewed only by super admins) to make it easier to spot new releases and update accordingly.
Before upgrading, it's always a good idea to get a backup of your site (just in case):
- To upgrade in Joomla 1.5, just install v2.7.1 on top of any existing K2 installation.
- To upgrade in Joomla 2.5 or 3.x, either install on top (as with Joomla 1.5) or use Joomla's extension updater (you should already see the notification for v2.7.1).
CSS & HTML Template Overrides
As stated above, the only frontend change is the addition of a language tag in social media buttons, in the item.php override.Metrics, metrics, metrics...
The K2 Metrics(https://metrics.getk2.org/) initiative launched since v2.7.0 has been a real treasure for us, shaping the development of K2 for the future. To give you a quick example, we were using (for many years already) PHP Pear's Services_JSON class which was a PHP implementation of json_encode/decode functions, geared primarily for PHP versions before 5.2. This was something we had in to support Joomla 1.5 on PHP 5.2 and below (as Joomla 1.5 is compatible with even PHP 4.x according to the official Joomla requirements page). K2 metrics showed there are just 3 sites on PHP 5.1 and 0 on PHP 4.x while using K2 v2.7.0. So we removed that class and used native PHP functions instead. This is a trivial example but if you have a look ath the metrics page you'll easily see that the LAMP stack rules (MS tech is less than 1%), PHP 7 is (naturally) slow to adopt, Apache rules (but a 20% of that with accurate version reporting uses old Apache versions - 1.x or 2.2), Nginx is surprisingly third (behind Apache & LiteSpeed) so naturally you can assume that most sites are run on cPanel or Plesk based servers and finally MariaDB is starting to rise.There are currently ~110,000 active sites using K2 v2.7.x - the actual number is probably higher if you consider we aggregate monthly data and only when a super admin navigates to the K2 backend. That's a huuuuuge number if you think about it. And of course K2 is on a steady track to surpass 3 million downloads within the year.
Enjoy K2 v2.7.1 :)